First some facts:
· It is scientifically proven that you are at your best, in any activity, be it sports, intellectual or creative activities when you are in "flow". I am not trying to sell you spiritual advice here. This is based on hard facts.
· Interruptions are the biggest enemy of flow.
You cannot multitask. I know that half of you (especially women) will shout out "NO!" Sorry to break it to you, but you will have to face it. The human brain is bad at multitasking. What we commonly refer to as multitasking is actually the brain switching quickly from one task to another repetitively. I am not disputing that you may be able to this for a while, but it costs your brain an enormous amount of energy. That means that it can be useful during short periods of times, but you will get tired very quickly. Therefore, it is not a long term solution.