The power of language has been examined by many scientists (and spiritual guides). I do not want to go into detail of what language can do to you and others, because this would go beyond my qualifications and beyond the subject of this paper. For example, motivational speeches can have an incredible effect on an individual or on an entire team[1]. But I am not here to teach you about the spiritual effects of language, although the subject is fascinating and I invite you to dig deeper into the matter if you are interested. I will just list a few fun facts:
· To the own mind spoken words resonate stronger that thoughts.
· Negative words have a stronger effect that positive thoughts.
Do not say negative things!
My message is very simple. People forget most of what you say, but they never forget how you made them feel. If you use positive, polite, optimistic language instead of complaining and swearing, people will like to spend time with you. Every company has one person who is always pitying him/herself and constantly complaining about others. No one enjoys being around this person and people try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. However, I am sure you also know what kind of person I mean, when I refer to a person with a positive attitude. They use clear and plain language, speak in a warm tone, do not say anything negative about other people, they do not swear. This does not mean that they accept every evil and that they ignore bad situations. They just somehow manage to keep their cool in all kinds of situations. When they disagree with someone they tell them politely and respectfully; when they point our problems they do so with a smile on their face and you can feel that they do it to find a solution, rather than to point finger-point others. They also manage to say "no" to you in a gentle manner, so that you do not feel offended.
[1] For a brilliant example about this watch the movie XXX about Henry IV.